Ideally you want your EDC kit to be the items that you can wear on an everyday basis without worrying about an additional backpack or bag. Generally, the items you wear around your neck, under your clothing, around your ankle, or in your pockets, make up your EDC. But there are some people who just […]
Author: Meg
The Best EDC Jackets
When it comes to an emergency or survival situation, frostbite and hypothermia are no joke. The purpose of having an EDC is to increase the likelihood that you’ll be prepared for whatever life may throw at you at any given moment. One of the things most people consider to be a part of their EDC […]
18 Situations Your Everyday Carry Kit Could Save Your Life
If you’ve just started prepping or researching prepping, you might be hearing an awful lot about everyday carry or an EDC kit. Everyday carry items are designed to help you survive not just life’s everyday emergencies but a potentially life-threatening situation as well. Some preppers will describe EDC by giving you a list of items […]
The Best EDC Wallets and Pocket Organizers
Unfortunately, many of us have already experienced how quickly a regular, routine day can go wrong in minutes. A flat tire on a dark highway, a car accident, or a stolen purse or backpack can wreak havoc in our lives. And with increasing stories of terrorist attacks, school shootings, rioting, violence, and weather-related events, we […]
Here Are All the Places You Can Keep Your EDC Items
Everyday Carry (EDC) is a crucial step to take in being prepared for whatever life throws at you from day to day. Although we may know that certain events are looming, the reality is that we cannot ever predict when and where an emergency will occur or just how serious it will be. Even the […]
Why You NEED an Everyday Carry Kit. Plus, the Main Categories to Cover
At no time in our history has it been clearer that even though we are all human beings, every person has their own individual needs and preferences. This diversity is also present when it comes to protecting oneself and family during an everyday emergency or SHTF situation. Situations Where an EDC Comes in Handy: Breakdown […]
EDC for Kids: Here’s What They Should Be Wearing
If you are a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, chances are you are concerned about the safety of the children in your life. As children get older, they spend less time with a trusted adult and more time at school or with their friends than when they were little. You just cannot possibly be with […]